8 Steps To Mattresses Of Your Dreams

If you have entered a mattress store recently, chances are you've came across
Almost every
Major bedding manufacturer and manufacturer is jumping on the gel and
But, whenever a new technology comes out It's always a
Good idea to look through the hype and see how the claims compare to the
facts. In light of some surprising developments in the world of gel mattresses,
We decided to dig a little deeper and see if these sort of beds really deliver
what they claim.
What are Gel Mattresses?

mattress line made a splash in 2011.
combat the notion that memory foam mattresses sleep hot.

pressure relief.
Get an idea would be to think about the ice packs used for injuries and keeping
your lunch cool.
Gel Mattress Types
The different brands incorporate gel in a variety of ways.
layer on top or beneath the padding layers. Others pour it into the foam as it

The Cooling Claim
The key selling point of gel is that it is supposed to sleep cooler than beds
without gel. The idea was generated based on complaints from owners of
Traditional memory foam beds between overheating. This issue of sleeping
Too hot affects about 10-15 percent of memory foam owners, who report that
During the night body heat gets trapped and the bed becomes uncomfortably
warm. This seems to be most linked with higher density, high-conforming, and
closed cell foams.
By incorporating gel, the manufacturers hope to assuage consumers' worries
of beds sleeping too hot and get an edge over other brands. They tend to
explain the "gel action" in fairly vague terms, usually stating the the gel will
absorb body heat and transfer it away from the sleeper.
The Facts About Gel Mattresses
If you have used a gel ice pack before, you may have noticed that gel, an
Aqueous substance, tends to have the temperature of its surroundings. It
may be cold when it comes out of the freezer, but before long it takes on the
temperature of your body or the room. There is no reason to think that the gel
would behave any differently in a mattress. Initially, it will adopt the room
temperature, which will feel cool against your warmer body. However, before
long it will match your body temperature and the cooling effect will fade.
Initially, Serta advertised that their iComfort foam slept cooler than
Tempurpedic's memory foam. However, towards the end of 2012 the National
Advertising Board ruled that Serta should stop making these claims until it
produced scientifically verifiable evidence. In the past year, the chips seemed
to be stacked against gel mattresses. Here are a some other recent studies
contradicting the cooling claims of gel products:
Tempurpedic's study that showed two of their beds slept slightly cooler
Than iComfort material (less than 1 degree).
Foam manufacturer Cargill conducted studies showing that plant-based
memory foam slept 25% cooler than gel memory foam.
Consumer Mattress Reports 2013 guide found no discernible
differences in breathability from gel mattresses versus standard
Others have questioned the durability and longevity of gel mattresses. Due to
the opposite natures of water-based gel and oil-based memory foam, there
are concerns about how these materials will hold up over type and whether or
Not the inclusion of gel will impact the structural integrity of the foam. It is also
Not known how long the gel will continue to offer you the claimed cooling
Because this type of bed has only been on the market for a couple of years,
reviews are limited especially in regards to durability. There does seem to be
slightly fewer complaints of heat percentage-wise, but reviews can still be
found that mention overheating on gel mattresses. On leading brands of gel
Mattresses, reviewers also appear to be more likely to mention quality difficulties
Compared to similar types without gel.
The Verdict:
Given the recent studies and mattress comparisons examining gel brands
Versus their regular counterparts, it appears that gel mattresses cannot
Conclusively claim any significant benefits. For consumers, this means that paying
Premium prices for mattresses just depending on the inclusion of gel may not be a
smart buying decision.
Rather than falling for the latest gimmick, consumers would be wise to
Think about the underlying value of the goods and its reputation among
consumers. For example, in our comparison of leading memory foam
brands which included Serta's iComfort line, we found that overall, plantbased
memory foam mattresses from Amerisleep.com led the group in terms
of owner reviews and performance. If you are Thinking of gel mattresses,
Make certain you research the product quality, cost, owner reviews, and
Guarantees compared to other options, as purchasing based solely on cooling
claims may leave you feeling burnt.


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